New AI footballytics Podcasts and Datasouting Offer
Tactics and Data: Outplay opponents with pass combinations
Cognitive Biases in Football
Change the game: Rethinking second balls and increasing success rates
Using data to identify key zones and improve attacks
Moneyball: Exploiting Potential with Smart Data Scouting
Practical and Creative Innovation Methods and Tools
Expected Threat (xT) the best offensive metric so far
Trend Analysis: Attacking with Cutbacks
How to visualise and analyse matches in numbers
Data Analytics Practice: Interpreting Event Data
Analytics Practice: Compare team performance fairly
Data Analytics Practice: Comparing Players Fairly
DataScouting on Demand Service
Datascouting - first the data, then the videos and then the stadium.
UYL Datascouting & Youth Academies Challenges
Data driven selected U21 Dreamteam
Data Analytics in Football
Dominate the boxes and reign
Analytics & Datascouting: Setup, Opportunities & Challenges